9 Tips to Save Money on Energy in Your Home
World Population Review states that the U.S. has one of the highest ecological footprints in the world, causing a deficit. The average US citizen's ecological footprint is about 50% larger than that of the average person in most European countries, in part, due to burning more fossil fuels, and using more water. North of the border, it's said that renewable energy sources accounted for approximately 68% of Canada's electricity generation in 2023. Maybe you are wondering what you can do to improve your own home energy habits.
There’s a common misconception that it’s too time-consuming and a large effort to be more eco-friendly in your everyday life. But it doesn’t have to be. Hearing that you should ditch your car keys and take the bus, or walk can seem like a silly annoyance to many, and it can cause us to tune out the other important messaging about what we can do to use less energy and lower our electricity bill. It's easy to save money on energy with some of these great tips for around your home.
Turn off lights and ceiling fans when you leave the room
Forgetting to turn off the lights or the fan is one of the most common, and easy to remedy things that we do. Always look behind you and check the room as you leave. Use fluorescent over incandescent lightbulbs because they don’t’ emit as much heat. Kids learn by example so if they see you doing it, they will do it too allowing the entire household to save money on energy by building new eco-conscious habits.
Invest in energy-efficient appliances

ENERGY STAR appliances, which are certified by the U.S. Department of Energy, can help you use less energy in your home. An ENERGY STAR-certified appliance will use anywhere from 10%-50% less energy each year than a non-energy efficient equivalent. Using less power means you get to save money on energy when you buy smarter, environmentally friendly major appliances.
Energy Star, EnerGuide (more common in Canada) or Enervee certifications are good indicators to look for when you are shopping for your next major appliance and want to use less energy and lower your electricity bill.
Use your windows to save money on energy

Opening drapes or blinds to use natural light when possible, helps heat the home in the winter, and investing in high quality window coverings helps keep your home cool in the summer. The U.S Department of Energy predicts that heating and cooling together are the largest energy users in your home, typically making up about 35%–40% of your energy use, and a substantial portion of your electricity bill.
Take shorter showers

Who doesn’t love a long, hot shower? You probably know that taking cooler showers uses less energy, but taking shorter showers helps you save money on energy. A simple thing you can try:
Set a timer and shorten your usual daily shower by one-to-two minutes each day for a week. This helps you build a habit. Doing this, especially if you have household participation, could save you yearly on your hot water bill. Another benefit, it gives you a bit of time back which adds up – and they say that time is money.
Hire a Contractor or Seasoned Handyman

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy says that energy efficiency can make big reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution while saving consumers money and achieving other benefits. It’s time to fix those leaky faucets, caulk around windows, and use foam sealants around base boards. You can even consider purchasing an inflatable chimney balloon for when you aren’t using your fireplace. A pro can help you make sure things are sealed and insulated properly contributing to your ability to use less energy and lower the electricity bill. And just in case you’re getting 37 spam calls a day for someone to clean your air ducts – it's worth calling a professional to check those too, every few years.
Unplug your electronics when not in use

Did you know… Your TV, computer and other home electronics are using energy, even when you aren’t using them? Unplugging them when not in use or investing in a smart power strip is an easy and economical way to save money on energy by ensuring things aren’t unexpectedly draining power when standing idly by.
Plan your Laundry Days

There are several changes you can make to your laundry routine to have a big difference when you are looking to save money on energy, Purchase a high-efficiency washer-dryer next time you are buying major home appliances. Do your laundry during off hours - “time of use” billing, or peak hour/off-peak billing, power companies charge according to demand. Wash your laundry in cold water, when possible, and get high-efficiency detergent. Run full loads of laundry in both the washer and dryer, or better yet, hang your clothes to dry, if space permits. Not only does this preserve the longevity of some of your nice work clothes, but it helps you lower your electricity bill by not unnecessarily using the dryer.
Get smart!
Consider purchasing a smart thermostat to help you better understand your energy usage and make the smartest decision to help you save money on energy.
Filters, filters, filters

Replace furnace filters as recommended to prevent the unit from using up extra energy working twice as hard to perform the same task.
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy states: “Saving energy reduces air and water pollution and conserves natural resources, which in turn creates a healthier living environment for people everywhere. At the same time, efficiency also saves money and creates jobs.”
It can be a massive win when you get to feel good when you use less energy, feel healthier, help boost the economy by creating jobs, and reduce your ecological footprint, while being able to save money on energy costs. Who doesn’t love a bit more disposable income?
Marketplace Events produces some of the longest-running home & garden shows across North America, connecting enthusiasts with experts, products and services in dynamic face-to-face environments. Looking for a contractor to help you make your home more energy efficient, saving you money and energy? Check out a nearby show.